== download all the ogg files in the Linux Voice Podcast http://www.linuxvoice.com/category/podcasts/

TODO: write more detailed explaination about it

use echo;

use URI;
use LWP::Simple; # for get and getstore

download from link, and save the file as the bashname in the url path

sub download ($address) {
     my $uri = URI->new($address);
     my $file = path($uri->path)->basename;
     say "$file is downloading";
     getstore($address, $file);
     say "$file is downloaded";

my $rss_link = 'http://www.linuxvoice.com/podcast_ogg.rss';

the content of the link is a rss file, but only the url is what I want, so did not use RSS parser

for (split /^/, get($rss_link)) {

<enclosure url=”http://www.linuxvoice.com/episodes/lv_s02e10.ogg“ length=”54868488”

    download($1) if /url=\"(\S*ogg)\"/; # extract the link of ogg file
