I have a hard time to understand monad in haskell. In the afternoon, I read the functional javascript book and then I ask llm to write a golang version for me. Suddenly, my head click and I think I understand IO monad finally.

// https://go.dev/play/p/J3QFqd7MFzP
package main

import (

// IO represents an action that can be performed and produces a value.
type IO[T any] func() (T, error)

// Unit creates an IO action that does nothing and returns the given value.
func Unit[T any](value T) IO[T] {
	return func() (T, error) {
		return value, nil

// Of creates an IO action that returns the given value.
func Of[T any](value T) IO[T] {
	return func() (T, error) {
		return value, nil

// Bind chains two IO actions together.
func Bind[T, U any](io1 IO[T], f func(T) IO[U]) IO[U] {
	return func() (U, error) {
		value, err := io1()
		if err != nil {
			return *new(U), err
		return f(value)()

// Then chains two IO actions together, ignoring the result of the first.
func Then[T, U any](io1 IO[T], io2 IO[U]) IO[U] {
	return func() (U, error) {
		_, err := io1()
		if err != nil {
			return *new(U), err
		return io2()

// Map applies a function to the result of an IO action.
func Map[T, U any](io IO[T], f func(T) U) IO[U] {
	return func() (U, error) {
		value, err := io()
		if err != nil {
			return *new(U), err
		return f(value), nil

// Do executes an IO action without returning its value.
func Do[T any](io IO[T]) IO[T] {
	return func() (T, error) {
		_, err := io()
		return *new(T), err

// Println creates an IO action that prints a string to the console.
func Println(s string) IO[string] {
	return func() (string, error) {
		return s, nil

// ReadLine creates an IO action that reads a line from the console.
func ReadLine() IO[string] {
	return func() (string, error) {
		var line string
		_, err := fmt.Scanln(&line)
		return line, err

func main() {
	// Read a line from the console and print it back.
	io := Bind(ReadLine(), func(line string) IO[string] {
		return Println(line)

	// Execute the IO action.
	_, err := io()
	if err != nil {

javascript version

class IO {
        constructor(effect) {
                this.effect = effect
                this.name = new Date();

        static of(x) {
                return new IO(() => x)

        static from(fn) {
                return new IO(fn)

        map(fn) {
                console.log("map", this.effect)
                console.log("map", this.name)
                return new IO(() => {
                        console.log("new", this.name)

        chain(fn) {
                return fn(this.effect())

        run() {
                console.log("run", this.name)
                return this.effect()

function f1() {
        return 1

function f2() {
        return 2

function f3() {
        return 3

m1 = IO.from(f1).map(f2).map(f3)
console.log("start run")