even a query will open a transcation.

this is ugly true due to sqlalchemy and pycogpg.

base model object expire after commit

sqlalchemy session maintain state of base model object. once a commit happen. all object in the session will be marked expired. when accesssed, the object will be fetch again on demand. As a result, there might be huge performance overhead.

locations = session.query(Location).all() # one query
session.commit() # one commit
for loc in locatons: # N query, N is the len(locations)

the code above will issue N+2 query instead of 3.

locations = session.query(Location).all() # one query
session.commit() # one commit
locations = session.query(Location).all() # one query
for loc in locatons: 

the code above only hit DB with 3 query and will be significantly faster if location count is large.

This is the biggest performace problem if commit (state of sqlalchemy base model object) is ignored.