bug in lucy with custom analyzer
Few days ago, I was trying to search some chinese doc with Lucy. I have to write chinese analyzer because of not built in chinese support.
However, it is not going well.
package MyAnalyzer {
use v5.10;
use base qw( Lucy::Analysis::Analyzer );
sub new {
my $self = shift->SUPER::new;
return $self;
sub transform {
my ($self, $inversion)= @_;
return $inversion;
sub transform_text {
my ($self, $text) = @_;
my $inversion = Lucy::Analysis::Inversion->new;
my @tokens = (['a', 0,1], ['b', 1,2] );
Lucy::Analysis::Token->new(text =>$_->[0],
start_offset=> $_->[1] ,
) for @tokens;
return $inversion;
package main;
use DBI;
use File::Spec::Functions qw( catfile );
use Lucy::Plan::Schema;
use Lucy::Plan::FullTextType;
use Lucy::Index::Indexer;
my $path_to_index = '/tmp/test.index';
# Create Schema.
my $schema = Lucy::Plan::Schema->new;
my $my_analyzer= MyAnalyzer->new();
my $raw_type = Lucy::Plan::FullTextType->new(
analyzer => $my_analyzer,
$schema->spec_field( name => 'body', type => $raw_type);
use DDP; p $schema->dump;
# Create an Indexer object.
my $indexer = Lucy::Index::Indexer->new(
index => $path_to_index,
schema => $schema,
create => 1,
# truncate => 1,
my $doc = { body => 'test' };
print "Finished.\n";
run above program twice, you will get
'body' assigned conflicting FieldType
LUCY_Schema_Spec_Field_IMP at cfcore/Lucy/Plan/Schema.c line 124
at /home/hwu/perl5/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi/Lucy.pm line 118.
Lucy::Index::Indexer::new('Lucy::Index::Indexer', 'index', '/tmp/test.index', 'schema', 'Lucy::Plan::Schema=SCALAR(0x6d4750)', 'create', 1) called at test_index.pl line 58