!!! Have to load manually before using.

in utop

#require "re2" 

module M :              
	 module Re2 :
        type t = Re2.Regex.t
        type regex = t
        type id_t = [ `Index of int | `Name of string ]
        val index_of_id_exn : regex -> id_t -> int
        module Options :
            type t =
                [ `Case_sensitive of bool
                | `Dot_nl of bool
                | `Encoding_latin1 of bool
                | `Literal of bool
                | `Log_errors of bool
                | `Longest_match of bool
                | `Max_mem of int
                | `Never_capture of bool
                | `Never_nl of bool
                | `One_line of bool
                | `Perl_classes of bool
                | `Posix_syntax of bool
                | `Word_boundary of bool ]
            val latin1 : t list
            val posix : t list
            val noisy : t list
        val create : ?options:Options.t list -> string -> regex Or_error.t
        val create_exn : ?options:Options.t list -> string -> regex
        val of_string : string -> regex
        val to_string : regex -> string
        val num_submatches : regex -> int
        val pattern : regex -> string
        val find_all : ?sub:id_t -> regex -> string -> string list Or_error.t
        val find_all_exn : ?sub:id_t -> regex -> string -> string list
        val find_first : ?sub:id_t -> regex -> string -> string Or_error.t
        val find_first_exn : ?sub:id_t -> regex -> string -> string
        val find_submatches : regex -> string -> string option array Or_error.t
        val find_submatches_exn : regex -> string -> string option array
        val matches : regex -> string -> bool
        val split :
          ?max:int -> ?include_matches:bool -> regex -> string -> string list
        val rewrite : regex -> template:string -> string -> string Or_error.t
        val rewrite_exn : regex -> template:string -> string -> string
        val valid_rewrite_template : regex -> template:string -> bool
        val escape : string -> string
        module Infix :
            val ( ~/ ) : string -> regex
            val ( =~ ) : string -> regex -> bool
            val ( //~ ) : string -> regex -> string Or_error.t
            val ( //~! ) : string -> regex -> string
        module Match :
            type t = Re2.Re2_internal.Match.t
            val get : sub:id_t -> t -> string option
            val get_exn : sub:id_t -> t -> string
            val get_all : t -> string option array
            val get_pos_exn : sub:id_t -> t -> int * int
            val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexp.t
        val get_matches :
          ?sub:id_t -> ?max:int -> regex -> string -> Match.t list Or_error.t
        val get_matches_exn :
          ?sub:id_t -> ?max:int -> regex -> string -> Match.t list
        val replace :
          ?sub:id_t ->
          ?only:int ->
          f:(Match.t -> string) -> regex -> string -> string Or_error.t
        val replace_exn :
          ?sub:id_t ->
          ?only:int -> f:(Match.t -> string) -> regex -> string -> string
        module Exceptions :
            exception Regex_no_such_subpattern of int * int
            exception Regex_no_such_named_subpattern of string * string
            exception Regex_match_failed of string
            exception Regex_submatch_did_not_capture of string * int
            exception Regex_compile_failed of string
            exception Regex_rewrite_template_invalid of string * string
        val t_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> regex
        val sexp_of_t : regex -> Sexp.t
        val compare : regex -> regex -> int
        val bin_t : regex Bin_prot.Type_class.t0
        val bin_read_t : regex Bin_prot.Read.reader
        val bin_reader_t : regex Bin_prot.Type_class.reader0
        val bin_size_t : regex Bin_prot.Size.sizer
        val bin_write_t : regex Bin_prot.Write.writer
        val bin_writer_t : regex Bin_prot.Type_class.writer0